Friday, May 22, 2015

Savage Worlds: Latent Talents

So I'm working on a new Savage Worlds game I'm going to run.  The setting is post-apocalyptic Earth, but it has nothing to do with zombies or mutants or nuclear war.  The characters are going to wake up in this post-apocalyptic world, having been in a coma since before the apocalypse; they'll have no idea why the world is suddenly so horribly effed up and it will all be discovered in character through the game.

As the characters explore their new world, they'll get the chance (if they so desire) to learn certain, well, supernatural powers.  I wanted the players to set their characters up for doing so, if they so desired, without knowing the powers that will be available to them; given that powers in Savage Worlds start with an Edge, I created the following Edge which can be taken at time of character creation:
Latent Talent
Requirements: Novice
This is a new Edge which represents an Arcane Background the character does not know he or she has.  At some point during the game, due to either a unique situation or proper training, the talent will become manifest and this Edge will be replaced with the applicable Arcane Background.
Basically, the player can take Latent Talent at character creation, and when they come across some way of learning a power in-game, the Latent Talent Edge gets replaced with the proper Arcane Background Edge.