Friday, March 27, 2015

Far Away Land: Great Koothooloo

Unfortunately, in all of it's wacky awesomeness, Far Away Land just does not have enough pseudo-Lovecrafian elements... and by pseudo-Lovecraftian elements, I mean totally Lovecraftian monsters. So I'm going to change that.  Enter Great Koothooloo and his Cultists; Shoob Noogerath, Tsoothoogua, and Hastoor are soon to follow.

Archetype: Monster
Size: Enormous (+30)
HP: 82, AC: 8, ACT: 10
BRT: 7, DEX: 4, WIT: 4

Great Koothooloo (pronounced koo-thoo-loo) is a monstrous being of pulpy green flesh, with flappy, clawed feet and hands, huge bat-like wings, and a tentacled, octopus-like head.  Great Koothooloo exists in a sort of suspended animation in a sunken city constructed using techniques and geometries which would drive most denizens of Far Away Land insane were they to walk its streets.

Great Koothooloo can only leave his home when the stars are "right", which seems to happen with surprising regularity thanks to the Koothooloo Cultists (detailed below) who constantly plot and scheme to bring about those occasions.  When that happens, Great Koothooloo's sunken city rises above the waves and Great Koothooloo is free to walk about Far Away Land, equally likely to scoop up handfuls of people and eat them or force them to dance and chant in wanton displays of hedonistic worship.  Either way, insanity abounds.

While Great Koothooloo can be beaten back with physical attacks, it is only a temporary solution.  Should Great Koothooloo take a lethal amount of damage, it will simply dissipate into a foul smelling conglomeration of viscous goo which seeps back to Great Koothooloo's sunken city and reforms at full strength some time later.  Far Away Land's best hope is to stop the Koothooloo Cultists from releasing Great Koothooloo in the first place.

For what it's worth, Great Koothooloo goo is highly sought after by wizards.

Claws (4): 3d6 damage. Trample (4): 4d6 damage. Swallow (4): 4d6 damage.  Insanity (4): creature goes temporarily insane, either cowering and whimpering in fear, screaming and running in the opposite direction, or dancing and chanting in a wanton display of hedonistic worship.

Archetype: Humanoid
Size: Average (0)
HP: 14, AC: 0, ACT: 5
BRT: 1, DEX: 2, WIT: 1

Koothooloo Cultists are humans who have gone incurably insane, becoming worshipers of Great Koothooloo.  Most Koothooloo Cultists have a slightly green tinge to their skin.

While a Koothooloo Cultist works tirelessly to set events in motion which will cause the stars to be "right", thus raising Great Koothooloo's sunken city above the waves and releasing Great Koothooloo onto Far Away Land, they are not babbling maniacs... well, most aren't babbling maniacs. 

Light/Heavy Weapon (1). Magic (1): Equal to LVL, only knows Contact Great Koothooloo spell.

New Spell
Contact Great Koothooloo (1)
Damage: none, Range: all of it
Duration: instant
This spell allows the caster to tap into the mind of Great Koothooloo as it lay dreaming in its sunken city under the sea.  It does not provide a conversation any more than an ant would have a conversation with a human, should the ant be able to magically tap into the human's mind.  However, that doesn't stop the caster from thinking that Great Koothooloo was speaking directly to him or her, and trying to interpret the alien thoughts as commands, or the wishes and desires of Great Koothooloo.

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