Sunday, April 11, 2010

Swords & Wizardry: OD&D Style Saving Throws

In a recent discussion on the Brave Halfling forums, I commented that it would be fairly easy to use the S&W:WB saving throw as a base number and extrapolate a list of saving throws more compatible with original D&D’s saving throw matrix.  To release it under the open gaming license it would need to be a… “re-imagining” of the matrix to avoid any copyright entanglements.

My original idea was just to determine the difference between the WB saving throw and the OD&D saving throw for each level, calculate the average difference across all levels, and apply that as a modifier to the WB saving throw based on the category of saving throw being made.  After doing the calculations I discovered that wasn’t feasible because, for instance, the Magic-user wound up with a +5 modifier versus breath weapons.  Augh, could you imagine the poor 1st level Magic-user trying to save versus a 21?

So what I’ve created is a per-class and per-level saving throw matrix which lists the modifier applied to the base WB saving throw for each OD&D style saving throw category.  The matrices appear below.

The remainder of this post is designated Open Game Content as outlined in section 1(d) of the Open Game License.

Cleric Saving Throw Matrix
Levelvs. Deathvs. Wandsvs. Turn
to Stone
vs. Breath
vs. Spells

Fighting-man Saving Throw Matrix
Levelvs. Deathvs. Wandsvs. Turn
to Stone
vs. Breath
vs. Spells

Magic-user Saving Throw Matrix
Levelvs. Deathvs. Wandsvs. Turn
to Stone
vs. Breath
vs. Spells

How to use the Saving Throw Matrices
Cross reference the type of saving throw being called for with your character’s level on the correct matrix for your character’s class.  Add or subtract the modifier shown to your character’s base saving throw.  The result is the number you must meet or exceed on a roll of 1d20 to make your character’s saving throw.

Example: Rael, the 5th level Magic-user, has just been subjected to a dragon’s breath weapon.  The referee calls for Rael’s player to make a saving throw vs. breath weapon.  Rael’s player checks the chart above and adds the +6 modifier to a 5th level Magic-user’s base saving throw of 10 for a total of 16.  Rael’s player rolls his 1d20 and the result is a 17; he made the saving throw!  Had Rael’s player rolled a 15, he would have failed the saving throw.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Swords & Wizardry: A Magical Crossbreed

This post is designated Open Game Content as outlined in section 1(d) of the Open Game License.

Armor Class: 6 [13]
Hit Dice: 1+1
Attacks: fist (1d3) or weapon (1d6)
Special: None
Move: 12
HDE/XP: 1/15

A truly perverse magical crossbreed created by an insane wizard, orfs combine the worst qualities of both dwarves and orcs.  They have short legs, long arms, and an ape-like posture.  Their skin is ashen gray and mottled green, and their hair and beards are stringy, dirty, and tend to be brown in color.  Their pronounced foreheads and outcropping lower jaw complete their primitive appearance.

Most orfs are possessed of only animal-level intelligence, communicating with grunts and growls.  The most promising of them understand basic tool use, although it rarely progresses beyond the realization that smashing things with a club is more effective than smashing things with their fists.  They are curious by nature, however, and will oftentimes attempt to emulate the lifestyles of other races, particularly men.

Orfs are quick to anger and once wounded will lash out in a rage at the source of their pain.  Rarely will an enraged orf back down from an opponent; most orfs so angered will fight until it – or its opponent – is dead.  Luckily, orfs tend to congregate in small, human-like family groups consisting of two or three males (one of whom is dominant and has figured out how to use a simple weapon like a club or axe), a female, and whatever children the group has managed to produce.